Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Stupid, Silly Me

I've got something building up inside of me

Screaming for release

Held these words inside for so long; time to set them free

I desired more than I could have; it slipped away again

Held too tight, too close

You ask if I'm alone again?

I never was 

I take what I think is mine and that's what makes me ill

That's what makes me ache inside

The pattern of my rebellion is the root of all my grief

What power I think have

Prove myself a fool again; simple, simple me

I hope this time I've finally learned

Twenty-five years in the making, wonder if I even can

You broke the chains, but I like them where they are

Help me set them down, never to reclaim

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I was doing an assignment for Senior Seminar, going through Rick Warren's "The Purpose Driven Life", and he asked what we think the metaphor our life is. The image that popped into my head was that of valley of wild flowers after a rain storm. Here is what I got out of that.

My life is beautiful, sometimes breathtakingly so. There is no doubt that there have been times, and there will undoubtedly be again, where I have experienced pain that could shatter everything I value about myself (which is sometimes God's way of revealing truth to us, particularly us stubborn types). But does stepping, or even falling face first, into a mud puddle lessen the beauty I am surrounded by? Not in the least. Sure, it can, and does, cause me to focus on that pain for a moment, but the Lord's wonders are still there.

These wonders can be enjoyed while in the midst of them, or from the rim of the valley, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that I see them. Better yet, all that matters is that I can dance in those mud puddles and in midst of the glory of God.